RRUFA minutes – January 2014 (AGM)

RRUFA Annual General Meeting

January 14, 2014

LIC Centre for Dialogue



Niels Agger-Gupta Geoff Archer Jo Axe Brian Belcher
Geoffrey Bird David Black Judith Blanchette Tony Boydell
Connie Carter Kenneth Christie Robin Cox Ann Dale
Audrey Dallimore Matt Dodd Juana Du Bill Durodié
Catherine Etmanski Lois Fearon Joshua Guilar Doug Hamilton
Brigitte Harris Laura Hebert Rick Hinton Ingrid Kajzer-Mitchell
Leslie King Richard Kool Charles Krusekopf Zhenyi Li
Ron Lindstrom Chris Ling Stephen Long Will Low
Eva Malisius Kathleen Manion Virginia McKendry Will Meredith
Alison Moran Jonathan Moran Jessica Mussell Mickie Noble
Eileen Piggot-Irvine Terry Power Donald Prescott Siomonn Pulla
Michael Real Carolin Rekar Munro Wendy Rowe Erich Schellhammer
Bernard Schissel Jean Slick Marilyn Taylor Eugene Thomlinson
Mike Thompson Phillip Vannini George Veletsianos Hassan Wafai
Jennifer Walinga Brian White Rebecca Wilson Mah Michael Young
Amy Zidulka


(27 people)


Meeting called to order at 12:15PM


Additions to agenda:

No new business.


  1. Approval of Minutes of 2013 AGM:

Moved: Rick; 2nd Ken
Carried unanimously


  1. President’s report:

Kenneth: Ken thanked Caroline Rekar Munro and David Black and mentioned the CAUT award given to each, Ken also thanked the Executive of the RRUFA for their service in the last year. Ken said that he tried a different approach to RRUFA this past year, and thinks we have improved attendance and got a few more members. We still have a long way to go before we fully engage the FA membership… Ken wanted to commend the creation of the RRUFA website – thanks to Will. The website will help strengthen the Association.


Ken said that, RRU is doing well, as a whole, and getting media attention. However, healthy finances at RRU have not resulted in any improvements for faculty – no salary increase in real terms since 2009… If University is doing well, the Faculty should be improving as well…


Ken noted the creation and improvement of a faculty /staff lounge – coordinated by Lyn Jolie this past fall. Social Committee, under Geoff has been successful this past year… Grateful to people working on this (Geoff, Eileen)


Ken has been working on improving morale in the way faculty work is recognized and how we are assessed and valued in the university… Problem at other universities, too – bureaucratization of universities… Management has not dealt well with the limitations on bargaining set by PSEC…


We are still the only university that does not have sabbaticals for faculty in Canada. This will be an uphill battle, since the VP-A sees not having this as a ‘feather in his cap.’ Leads to stress –


Bargaining this past year was successful in the negotiation of the 2+2 settlement and completion of workload model in the ad-hoc committee… Thanks to the Bargaining Committee (David, Tony, Wendy, Chris, & Will).

(Faculty gave a round of applause for the Bargaining Team.


We still have unique governance structure that is the cause of miscommunication and difficulties…


Charles Krusekopf (new BoG representative)- has tried to reach out to the BoG members to build bridges and help build understanding/relationship with faculty – this has had a major effect on governance of institution.


Ken: Thanks for allowing ‘me’ to be President for last year – it has been a privilege…


  1. Financial Report – Mike


The FA had $112K at beginning of year; we now have a surplus of $32.5K in addition.

[See attached financial statements from Mike]


Revenues in 2013: about $61, 000


Expenses: about $29,000 including CUFA-BC & CAUT memberships, meeting expenses, & minor expenses for travel.


Surplus: about $32,500


Bank account: $111,764.00



2014 proposed budget is similar to previous years.


  1. How much is good enough to have in the bank?

Build a good war chest – black swan events.


Project a surplus of 26K for 2014


Motion to approve the 2013 – Moved: Stephen L 2nd:. Will

All approved…


Motion to approve 2014 budget – Moved: Chris – 2nd: Matt


All approved…


  1. New Business:
    • FA Directors elected for 2014:

President: Kenneth Christie (determined at February meeting)

VP: Tony Boydell

Secretary: Niels Agger-Gupta

Treasurer: Mike Thompson

MAL: Rick Kool

MAL: Jessica Mussell

MAL: Erich Schellhammer

MAL: Catherine Etmanski

(Not elected at this AGM)

Past President: Carolin Rekar Munro

Chief Negotiator: Wendy Rowe

Chief Grievance Officer: David Black

H&S Officer: Alison Moran

Eva Malisius – chose not to stand again in MAL position – and was thanked for her service in the last year.


4.2 No additional new business:


  1. adjourn the AGM Moved – David – 2nd Erich…


Adjournment at 12:50 – Recorder: Niels (Secretary)

[Monthly meeting will now commence.]