RRUFA minutes – October 2015

RRUFA July Monthly Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2015

Castle 315


Niels Agger-Gupta Geoff Archer   Jo Axe Brian Belcher  
Geoffrey Bird   David Black   Judith Blanchette   Tony Boydell  
Elizabeth Childs   Kenneth Christie Robin Cox   Ann Dale  
Audrey Dallimore   Matt Dodd Juana Du   Catherine Etmanski  
Lois Fearon Joshua Guilar   Doug Hamilton   Brigitte Harris
Ingrid Kajzer-Mitchell   Julia Jahanzoosi Frances Jorgensen Leslie King  
Richard Kool Charles Krusekopf Zhenyi Li   Ron Lindstrom  
Chris Ling   Will Low   Eva Malisius Kathleen Manion
Virginia McKendry   Will Meredith   Robert Mittelman   Jonathan Moran  
Terry Mughan     Mickie Noble   Eileen Piggot-Irvine  
Terry Power   Siomonn Pulla Michael Real   Carolin Rekar Munro  
Chaseten Remillard   Wendy Rowe   Erich Schellhammer   Bernard Schissel  
Jean Slick Marilyn Taylor   Eugene Thomlinson Mike Thompson  
Phillip Vannini   George Veletsianos Hassan Wafai   Jennifer Walinga  
Brian White Rebecca Wilson Mah   Michael Young   Amy Zidulka  

(Present: 17 of 60 total Active Members)


  1. October Monthly Meeting called to order at 12: 10pm (President Kenneth Christie) 2
  2. Approval of September minutes:………………………………………………………………………… 2
  3. New Business:……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

3.1 United Way presentation at 1PM…………………………………………………………………………… 2

3.2 Syrian Refugee Committee formed (Ken)……………………………………………………………… 2

3.3 75th Anniversary Gala (Ken)………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

3.4 Syrian Refugee Assistance (Rick)…………………………………………………………………………. 2

  1. Old Business: None……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
  2. Regular Reports:………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5.1 Bargaining / JCOAA: (Ken)………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5.2 Board of Governors: (Charles)……………………………………………………………………………… 4

5.3 Academic Council: (Rick)……………………………………………………………………………………… 5

5.4 CUFA-BC: (Rick)………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

5.5 Website: (Will)………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

5.6 Social: (Geoff)………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

5.7 Grievance Report: (David)……………………………………………………………………………………. 6

5.8 Health & Safety: (Rick)…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

  1. Other Business:……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
  2. 1 1PM – Special Guest: Kim Anton, from United Way of Greater Victoria, and Lori Ferguson of Kool-Aid Society, a major recipient of United Way funding…………………………………………………. 6
  3. Adjournment at 1:35 pm:……………………………………………………………………………………… 6




1.      October Monthly Meeting called to order at 12: 10pm (President Kenneth Christie)

2.      Approval of September minutes:

Secretary was away and alternate misplaced minutes.

3.      New Business:

3.1 United Way presentation at 1PM

(Faculty wishing to suggest additional speakers at upcoming RRUFA monthly meetings should contact Ken.)

3.2 Syrian Refugee Committee formed (Ken)

Rick, Lois, Hassan, Jean, and Ken

Motion: “Moved that RRUFA make a donation in the amount of $1,000 to United Way, the proceeds to be directed to an issue of concern to be determined.”

Moved by Ken;

Seconded by Niels

All approved.


3.3 75th Anniversary Gala (Ken)

There was a ticket remaining when Brian Belcher was unable to attend.

Matt Dodd will go as the 8th Faculty member.


3.4 Syrian Refugee Assistance (Rick)

There were few decisions in this rambling conversation, but give the potential major implications for the FA, I opted to include the whole conversation:

Rick: This started as a conversation among Rick, Hassan, and Brian:

UVic has already put up $180,000 to bring refugee students to BC.

UBC has not yet done anything, while SFU is reluctant

CUFA: very busy and won’t be able to focus on this issue until January.


Charles: (BoG) Mary Ellen Turpel Lafond asked universities to step up – Vancouver Island University – is making money available for tuition-free scholarships for eligible students.

At RRU – Catherine Herrold is pushing to have university make $20,000 available for tuition & other supports as part of this initiative, but there are still many details to be worked out. The university may support this.

The university is trying to work out details: where would students come from? Are there partner colleges; transfers; etc.


Brian: There are many First Nations kids in care – this is a critical need. Could we do something about that? Perhaps partner with Camosun College, and then these kids could then transfer over here (RRU) afterward…


Charles: as kids in care such students would be eligible; the province wants this; There is a pathway program for indigenous students; at VIU; almost all are indigenous students;


Brian: Could we do a partnership with Camosun? This requires a talk with Catherine Herrold.


Rick: We are working on a pathway from an intent to put something in front of FA regarding sponsoring a refugee. There seem to be a variety of approaches we might consider.

This could involve a group of people; And, there are obligations that come with that;

Would the FA support 5 of us who would be willing to support this initiative?


Lois: We need to have five (5) people on the sponsorship forms. This is intended to be expedient; we would work through WUSC. We could choose somebody from a list of possible refugees. We are working with Hassan, he is working to get someone he knows. We would need to have $30K for the first year;


Brian: RRUFA could help with the $30K; lots of things to do once the person arrives in Victoria. This would be a 5-year commitment;


Rick: will put together a list of what needs to happen, and will circulate to FA;


Lois: also has this and will circulate her list.


Hassan: Sponsoring a family is one idea; But, we could also host an event and raise awareness of this issue. We could work with Humanitarian Studies on some research on this issue and its impacts;

As faculty we can do this – in addition to sponsoring family; We could create or work with a centre to increase awareness; or network such centres;


Brian: This is similar to the Cosovo refugees in the 1990s.


Jean: Is already involved with this; happy to share her experiences in sponsoring a refugee family. From her experience this is a life-long relationship; (Pre-election) Harper making comments about Canada not capable; but Jean was part of mass-immigration strategy development by Government of Canada earlier; such a strategy does exist; Within our own RRU community; differences do exist between asylum seekers and there are issues related to the rights of refugees; There are broader issues including helping Canadians understand the issues and how refugee resettlement is being manifest in world; There is a much bigger community here.


Rick: Our focus should probably be on the West Shore.


Ken: is doing a workshop on human security; and hosting workshop in Italy.


Rick: There is a timeline: we will send this out together with a list of obligations; We have a small list of names. We will propose at the next meeting that FA would take next step in sponsoring someone. We need someone to fill in form;


Lois: We could bring someone who would then get an education at RRU.


Charles: Again, we need to talk to Catherine Harrow


Brian: We should also talk to Mary (Bernard); is there precedent at RRU for this? How would we position the award?


Ken: We should also talk to United Way – what is their position on this?


Lois: UVic sponsoring family as well – and providing English language support; etc.


Rick: We need a “Scholars at Risk” program; perhaps we could get another faculty member or two in here this way?


Hassan: Lets talk with Catherine in terms of what opportunities there may be to work together with the Administration on this issue.


Ken: Perhaps we could invite Catherine Herrold to next meeting?


Jean: We need to take this up at the ALT meeting; we need broader institutional support; We should also find out what other institutions are doing, and ask the Admin for an institutional response to this issue/crisis.


(so, stay tuned!)

4. Old Business: None

5.      Regular Reports:

5.1 Bargaining / JCOAA: (Ken)

Ken: Appointments for persons with tenure; FA opposed to people auto continuing their appointment status from their previous university. The Administration is continually using the word “tenure” – perhaps we can change this in the CA.


RRU may have appointed some people with continuing status… Lyn Joly has not sent FA letters of appointment of full-time faculty since 2006. Ken has 20 emails from other universities – here is what is going on at other universities on this issue; there is no real consistency…

But, he is clear that HR trying to appoint someone with “tenure” is not provided for in the CA.

5.2 Board of Governors: (Charles)

Charles: BoG meeting – but no faculty attended. At the BoG meeting: There is a new corporate social responsibility policy. We are planning a board engagement activity –a town hall meeting in January. This would involve 90 minutes at lunchtime – on governance & the role of BoG; There would be a round table with different Board members at different tables spread around room;

Questions not yet determined…. Interested in strategic directions; risks; crafting questions;


Most Board Members stay on for while; several rotate off; some are provincial appointments. The Board Chair / Chancellor – Wayne Strandlund’s term ends summer of 2017. There are apparently other success issues at university – BoG is not talking about this yet – but there was a lengthy discussion at the meeting.


Charles: Allan wants to recognize hi-profile people to associate them with RRU; but want to have greater representation of indigenous people and others;

The next board meeting will be in December. In general the university is making money;

Relations with provincial gov’t – seems to be on a cycle – tension – script; research jobs; LNG; etc. but there does not seem to be evidence Province has a broader plan. Clearly the economy is not getting better from LNG; since nothing has happened. We are still looking at the Tech sector; Camosun has a new trades building; The Province’s script has not changed; but no change to the old jobs strategy..

There is now a new title on building; Center for Workplace Integration and Indigenous Education. There is some discussion at board about whether we should look at what RRU should be in future;


5.3 Academic Council: (Rick)

Rick: Nothing to report. AC meets later in October.


5.4 CUFA-BC: (Rick)

Rick: CUFA – SFU – had a transfer of duties to the proffessoriate; with a defined benefit;

UBC settled for a 9.5% wage hike over 5 years; There was a very organized group against the Union; This was part of the decision of the UBC president to go back to teaching, and led to the public issue with silencing the professor who protested the Board decision to fire President Gupta. The Board member who had tried to silence the faculty member and had funded her chair, finally stepped down; A retired judge is looking at the facts of this;


CUFA is looking at this as a governance issue – whether boards, and board members in general are doing their job; Many appear not to know what they should be doing – eg. corporate social responsibility; no firewalls; heavily weighted to vps of banks at UBC; CUFA wants to look at University

Act as CAUT did several years ago – model education act; Perhaps there is an opportunity to revise the RRU Act; bring RRU into a more recognized model of governance.


Ken: presented the mid-year report to CUFA, including the CA. RRU appears to be seen as model; They are impressed


Rick: UBC Acting-President was told 15 hours before the President stepped down about this. The UBC faculty were given 17 hrs.

5.5 Website: (Will)

Nothing to report

5.6 Social: (Geoff)

Nothing to report – Geoff – in Argentina

5.7 Grievance Report: (David)

No news – things seem to be quiet

5.8 Health & Safety: (Rick)

Rick: took a health and safety course; There is interest in investigating Rose Cottage for a range of violations.

6.      Other Business:

6.      1 1PM – Special Guest: Kim Anton, from United Way of Greater Victoria, and Lori Ferguson of Kool-Aid Society, a major recipient of United Way funding.

(presentation also available on the UWGV site.)

7.      Adjournment at 1:35 pm:

Moved to adjourn: Matt.


Recorder: Niels Agger-Gupta