RRUFA minutes – June 2015

RRUFA June Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2015

LIC Centre for Dialogue


Niels Agger-Gupta Geoff Archer   Jo Axe   Brian Belcher
Geoffrey Bird   David Black   Judith Blanchette   Tony Boydell
Connie Carter   Elizabeth Childs   Kenneth Christie Robin Cox  
Ann Dale   Audrey Dallimore   Matt Dodd Juana Du  
Catherine Etmanski   Lois Fearon   Joshua Guilar   Doug Hamilton  
Brigitte Harris   Ingrid Kajzer-Mitchell   Julia Jahanzoosi Frances Jorgensen  
Richard Kool Charles Krusekopf Zhenyi Li   Ron Lindstrom  
Leslie King   Chris Ling   Will Low   Eva Malisius
Kathleen Manion   Virginia McKendry Will Meredith Robert Mittelman
Jonathan Moran   Terry Mughan   Jessica Mussell   Mickie Noble  
Eileen Piggot-Irvine   Terry Power   Siomonn Pulla   Michael Real  
Carolin Rekar Munro   Chaseten Remillard   Wendy Rowe   Erich Schellhammer
Bernard Schissel   Jean Slick   Marilyn Taylor   Eugene Thomlinson
Mike Thompson   Phillip Vannini   George Veletsianos   Hassan Wafai  
Jennifer Walinga   Brian White Rebecca Wilson Mah Michael Young  
Amy Zidulka        

(Present: 15 of 61 total Active Members)


  1. June Monthly Meeting called to order at 12: 10pm (President Kenneth Christie) 2
  2. Approval of May minutes:……………………………………………………………… 2
  3. New Business:……………………………………………………………………………. 2

3.1 Steve Grundy, VP-Academic and Provost,………………………………………………………….. 2

3.2 RRUFA participation in RRU 75th Anniversary President’s Gala Dinner – October 17th, 2015 – 8 Faculty selected……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

3.3 RRU Chancellor paying for Totem Pole at Blue Heron House……………………………… 2

3.4 Federal Election All-Candidates Forum in advance of the October federal election            3

3.5 Study Group Regroups: Brian White (newly re-joining RRUFA! Welcome Back!).. 3

  1. Old Business:………………………………………………………………………………. 3

4.1. Memorial Garden for Paz Buttedahl…………………………………………………………………….. 3

  1. Regular Reports:…………………………………………………………………………. 3

5.1 Bargaining: (Wendy)……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

5.2 Board of Governors: (Charles)…………………………………………………………………………….. 3

5.3 Academic Council: (Rick)……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

5.4 CUFA-BC: (Ken)………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

5.5 Website: (Will)…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5.6 Social: (The “Two Geoffs”)………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5.7 Grievance Report: (David)………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5.8 Health & Safety: (Rick)………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

  1. Other Business:………………………………………………………………………….. 4
  2. 1 Working/Support Group for Case Studies to Meet (Rebecca)……………………………. 4

6.2 Skein Fund for projects in learning and teaching (Rick)………………………………………… 4

  1. Adjournment:…………………………………………………………………………….. 8




1.     June Monthly Meeting called to order at 12: 10pm (President Kenneth Christie)

2.     Approval of May minutes:

Moved by Eva – seconded by Eugene.

All in favour.

3.     New Business:

3.1 Steve Grundy, VP-Academic and Provost,

Is coming at 1PM to talk on how things are going. (If faculty would like to see other speakers at upcoming RRUFA monthly meetings they should contact Ken.)

Rick: could we invite the Chancellor now that he has been here for a while? he is talking to students and is curious about the institution… He did meet with RRUFA once previously

Ken: Could we have this be more conversational and not a speech?

Eva: Could connect with Wayne Strandlund – he is apparently thinking about a fund for international students.


3.2 RRUFA participation in RRU 75th Anniversary President’s Gala Dinner – October 17th, 2015 – 8 Faculty selected

RRUFA will buy a table of 8 – ($200 per seat) as approved at May meeting. Congratulations to the following RRUFA members whose names were picked out of a hat at today’s meeting to attend the Gala on RRUFA’s behalf: Lois Fearon, Leslie King, Ken Christie, Eva Malisius, Brian Belcher, Rebecca Wilson-Mah, Jennifer Walinga, and Hassan Wafai. For more info on the event, see: http://www.royalroads.ca/event/presidents-gala


3.3 RRU Chancellor paying for Totem Pole at Blue Heron House

Note the story in the Gold Stream Gazette Chairman (Wayne) paying for a totem pole at Blue

Heron House..There will be a pole raising… The carving is being done in the open and you can see the carving being done. See:



3.4 Federal Election All-Candidates Forum in advance of the October federal election

Rick: Committee has not yet met. This should be on the July Agenda. Key focus would be the topic of higher education and each candidate’s perspectives and party positions on this topic.



3.5 Study Group Regroups: Brian White (newly re-joining RRUFA! Welcome Back!)

Brian: Brian met with Study Group people in China; SG has completely changed their structure – all extremely good English. Mgr. Coco Wren – London accent. This is a major reorg for them… Brian has been back several times – SG is under new management… he is giving them his support for their new direction… They have 7 centres across the country – and are offering paid internships for students from RRU… There are specifications for this to show what they have in mind… The internships could be done in China; MA students; MGM; etc. The task would be recruitment of prospective students… Please contact Brian if you are aware of possible takers for this!


4. Old Business:

4.1. Memorial Garden for Paz Buttedahl

Rick: Allan has not responded, but Dan Tulip now in charge… Could also honour people who have been killed while at RRU. eg. Dr. Martha Farrell



5.     Regular Reports:

5.1 Bargaining: (Wendy)

Wendy: Joint Committee On Administering the Agreement (JCOAA) met and are finalizing the current CA. not much else going on.


5.2 Board of Governors: (Charles)

Charles: Charles (on President’s 75th Gala event Committee) suggested that RRUFA should sponsor a faculty reception for all faculty who have ever taught at RRU during the 75th Gala week in October.


5.3 Academic Council: (Rick)

Rick: Nothing to report. AC meets next in July.


5.4 CUFA-BC: (Ken)

Ken: Nothing to report

5.5 Website: (Will)

Nothing to report

5.6 Social: (The “Two Geoffs”)

Nothing to report


5.7 Grievance Report: (David)

no news – things seem to be quiet

5.8 Health & Safety: (Rick)

Q: Why does getting a sit/stand desk take 4 months and multiple forms?

There is an issue with how we implement technology

Virginia: paper on lack of policy about being tethered to devices – need greater understanding of this issue..


Q: Does Maintenance – clean windows? Or just floors?

Rick: there is an issue with janitors – we are one of few universities that do not contract janitorial services out. Environment School has done studies with maintenance on micro-fibre cloths, etc. The maintenance people are feeling threatened. (Pop bottle fund issue?)

So, do they ever clean windows? Well, they are supposed to, but this is one area where they economize…

Q: Where is the policy on H&S?

Rick: The WorkSafe Act in BC applies; not sure if there is something specific to RRU?

Bill 9 – sawmill explosions in Vanderhoof, etc. investigate unsafe workplace environments. eg. toner from laser printers, etc.

Rick: If you have an issue and need a sit/stand desk – we have every right to ask university to deal with this…

6.     Other Business:

6. 1 Working/Support Group for Case Studies to Meet (Rebecca)

Rebecca: Case Study expert Gina Vega joined us for a 3 day intensive in April… discussed monthly get together.. support case writing and research… talk about what else we might

collaborate on campus… Everyone invited…. Drop in and out as you can…


6.2 Skein Fund for projects in learning and teaching (Rick)

Rick: Bob Skein fund was set up between RRUFA and Executive for innovative projects in learning & teaching… want to spend money…

Rick: this started in 2006 where there was a CA hiccup – $20K fund… mini MA (Learning Facilitator in teaching… offered $ for and faculty matched so went from $20 to $40K. Bob Skein embarrassed by what had happened and was honorable. When he stepped down fund was named for him; so he donated $20K and his friends donated $20K – this was then $80K and has been gaining interest since then… $ could be used for a conference on LTM? teaching research?


6.3 Special Guest: Dr. Steve Grundy, VP-Academic and Provost.

Ken: Introduction of Steve.

Steve: I have been spending time with VP-As across the country. It is clear that the post-secondary system is struggling mightily on a number of fronts; costs out of control; revenues stalled; big Universities are struggling with research funding… New UBC President – gives sense of drivers;


New Academic Building funding has been removed from budget: Government saying no more $…We had an academic building on books – but have removed $ for planning…even $ you think you have is not sure; Enrolments are not healthy in most places; Disruptive role of technology has not been grasped by institutions. No institution has that nailed…Business model for universities is fragile when you think of the system… Most university business models are very simple… Build the biggest room for as many people as possible… does not take genius to figure out that business model is going to break sooner or later…


This institution (RRU) – turned the academic business model on its head. We have no 1st/2nd year classes; and we are charging premium dollars for graduate education. It appears to work – at least so far.



If you look out – I have spent last few days interviewing dean candidates – and I am quite fascinated by the strength of applicants. The applicants all say what we do is really neat; they like what we are doing… People are recognizing our institution is doing something amazing. We have people applying here who are fleeing home institutions and secured tenure track institutions…



Bad news and challenges – government freeze on salaries in post secondary in BC;

This starts to hurt attraction and retention issues. We are starting to see first glimmers of this. However, the BC government is not interested in conversation about that. They see no big burning emergency… UBC feels this; we all feel this; ability to attract talent is compromised. We have to make RRU an interesting place to work… We are not going to compete on salary with Ontario universities…We need to think about how we support scholarship & research – how to make working here more fun. We have wiggle room on this side of equation. Centres and labs, keep people excited…programming also. People come because we are still growing. Lots of interesting programs can work at RRU.


Interdisciplinary Studies is expanding rapidly. But students don’t want to call their degree that; They would prefer what they are doing put in other terms… this now has 250 students. We just launched a BA in INDS. The DSocSci is starting a Calgary cohort in a week or two with 13 weeks; Incoming students are not interested in the Calgary location; it is the August start date they like – This could be located anywhere…


Steve has been “Noodling in his head” – Would we create a “College of Interdisciplinary Studies”; perhaps a “College of Individual studies”… This would bring both of our Faculties (FSAS/FoM) into this college. Would we create secondments? I am not sure how it would work; anything that does not silo us… This – de facto- becomes the missing piece of Graduate Studies… You could be a member of this College even if you were not teaching in it… But, we don’t want a facultyofGradStudies…


If you ask me – ‘individualized studies’ has a huge growth potential… Matt has been thinking of an MA in Social Science Research; I think that will be a winner! We would mix and match existing programmes and courses we already have… I don’t see people worry we are going to internationalize too fast. The 70%/30% Grad/Undergrad split – that is something we want to keep; I don’t think we want to move into a sphere where we can’t compete… our ‘blended and on-campus split is also 70/30…


Internationalization – It is now at 17% and we want to increase to 20%. But our big challenge is in really being international – in other words, 20% international in all programs, vs 90% in one program and 0% in most others.


We are currently at 2500 FTE – moving to 3500 FTE; We are aiming for slow and modest growth… The revenue model is similarly built around slow growth… We can model ourselves to death; but there are efficiencies to being bigger… Don’t want to lose this (he said pointing at the tables set around the room) – our ability to sit in a room and chat about things…


Virginia: applaud creating a space allowing FoM & FSAS to work together. We would love an MBA with a Marketing component – but this is not currently possible…


Steve: We have managed to silo being interdisciplinary… There are budgetary barriers;


The Learning & Teaching Model (LTM): This made a great to do and was well-received; but I worry that this is going to be used in a proscriptive way. This was not the intention. This was simply a descriptive model… It captured what we did at the time (2013). We have about 16 papers – on LTM – going through peer review – We will publish these. But what is the 2.0 version of the RRU LTM?


Brian: What about the IT technology at RRU?


Steve: We just hired a facilitator to look at IT and Educational strategies for next year…. Have asked CTET and the facilitator to think about this at a high level… I am expecting something from the group in next year. I am seeing siloing between the IT group and CTET – So we are putting them together in the planning process.


Niels: Vivian Forssman (CTET Director) – coming to July FA meeting –


Rick: Could we be like Bateman College?

Steve: We wrote a paper on Bateman College; Allan (Cahoon) called Bateman, “post-disciplinary;” people barely understand “trans-disciplinary,” let alone “post-disciplinary”…


Rick: faculty come in with a wide range of perspectives – programs are both strengths and weaknesses; how can we enhance strengths and mitigate silos of schools?…


Steve: even when people study – they want to be good at something; but are shown to be expert in something…


Tony: This relates to a problem we had 10 years ago – students default into one program. Although they wanted to do more than one program; most students can’t afford to do Interdisciplinary if this means they have to take more than one program to take courses outside of their registered program.


Steve: Programs now are increasingly porous; allow adding interdisciplinary students to cohorts.


Eva: But this creates its own problems. We have recently had 32 students in a cohort and added 16 MAIS students – this changes the dynamic of classroom.


Steve: We have to be careful we don’t create ghettos.


Charles: We need to be able to have different pathways for how we set up and run courses…


Steve: We have to be systematic; we can’t be all things to all people. This is not a Safeway shopping cart;We do allow for specializations; we have actually worked with faculty on objectives you want to work on…


I think this kind of individualization is where the future is… Not that we abandon existing programming; but where there is growth potential.


These are areas of study still open and are low-hanging fruit for us. Humanitarian Studies having good conversations with its Advisory Council on this topic; There is lots of “white space;” not that there are areas we need to move into right now. So, for example, we are not going to be creating an engineering school! But we need to keep moving forward…


We are getting a good reputation for the LTM; Candidates are talking about this; they are hearing this from alumni they have met; It has been a good experience…. But university reputations are not built on teaching models; reputations are built on other things… We need to give serious thought about scholarship and research… We do well for our size…


Ken: thank you for coming and giving us a talk.

[Round of applause for Steve!]


7.     Adjournment at 1:35 pm:

Moved to adjourn: Matt.


Recorder: Niels Agger-Gupta